Jun 012016

Hello again!  Well this week I turned in Week #7 of the My Heart Challenge reports.  It sure doesn’t seem like we have been doing this for 7 weeks.  It is almost becoming “normal” for us to go out and play around and not watch TV.  I am glad the TV doesn’t have feelings, because they would be hurt I am sure.

This past week we were very busy getting the kids out of school and to all of the end of year stuff that they have to do.

Leatha graduated from 9th grade, so there was an assembly and a dance for her before she got to go to Lagoon.  DSC_7796

Cameron got kind of gypped, he just got out of school.

Amelia got an award at her school for being a good student, so we had an assembly for that as well as a picnic lunch there in the school that parents got to attend.DSC_7911We had a dinner with all of the Grandparents to celebrate Leatha’s Promotion, and that doesn’t even take into account any exercise!  We didn’t get our 10000 steps every day until Saturday, but we did go to the park, and, while watching the kids, we used the playground equipment to do pullups, and some modified pushups and other strength exercises.  Then we took it easy on Sunday, waiting out the rain.  It is amazing how much we DON’T do when we can’t go outside.

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May 112016

Hello again!  Well, In this post I continue to chronicle the first 3 weeks of the My Heart Challenge!

If you noticed, we have added a new element here at 6 Matthews.  Over there to the left <—– each of us will be posting a thought about the heart challenge or some things we are doing to be more heart healthy.  These may not be updated every day, but a couple of times each week.  Each of the kids is writing their own thoughts about the challenge and what they are doing to be healthy.  Check back often!  I will also be posting a “digest” of these posts each week.

And now the news… We had our first Physical activity class on the 26th of April.  We went over some basic exercises and the need to do both cardio training for our hearts, as is the focus of the challenge, but also strength training to make our bodies work more efficiently and keep us healthy overall.  We also got some of the stretch bands to use in resistance training.  Brenda has taken hers to work and uses them to do some resistance exercises while she sits at her desk and works.

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