Hi folks! Well it has been a month now since we were last updating about the My Heart Challenge, and it has been a busy month. We have been running all over. It has been good for the kids and their screen time to be away from the screens. I sit here now writing this after the challenge has finished, and I have some interesting thoughts about it. Those will be later. First, lets talk about what we have been doing this past month!
First up, was the Twilight Walk 5k. We went to Murray park with everyone from the Heart Challenge and covered 5 kilometers! Leatha and I sped walked, while Tristan and Cameron decided to run. Cameron did great and finished first in the family, while Tristan ended up Second! We thought that Tristan would have to be carried at the end, but he ran the whole way. They had a drawing afterwards where the kids won some fun prizes and I won the $50 gift card to Harmons, which I promptly used to buy the rest of the groceries for our camping trip.