hello everyone. There has been a decidedly black hole here at 6 matthews.com. We have gone most of 2013 with few updates, and several draft’s of posts from last year. Pathetic on my part. Today I start over.
![English: Saying grace before carving the turke... English: Saying grace before carving the turke...](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ca/Thanksgiving_grace_1942.jpg/300px-Thanksgiving_grace_1942.jpg)
English: Saying grace before carving the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner in the home of Earle Landis in Neffsville, Pennsylvania (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Happy Thanksgiving! Yes it is Thanksgiving time again. There is so much that has happened over this past year to be thankful for. Amelia didn’t go to the hospital for anything this year, that is the most important. We are all relatively healthy and happy now and looking forward to our big meal.
After a fun Halloween season and party we have been “normal” in our house for about 3 weeks now and after this weekend, we will be bedecked with Christmas….Santa, trees, red and green, lights….the whole bit. More on that later. Just suffice it to say, the end of the year is nigh, and out family is doing pretty well.
Thanks to all of you who have helped with that over the year. You know who you are. We are thankful for you. Have a great Turkey Day.