This is part 2 of a very long post! If you haven’t, please read part 1 here
This week Brenda was doing the stairs at work and said she was able to do 5 flights before she had to stop for a minute, and that is up from 3 flights just a couple of weeks ago. She then did the other 9 flights. If you didn’t know, she works on the 14th floor at Intermountain Medical Center, and walking up the stairs is a good way for her to get some cardio in while she is at work. And these are not the standard flights of stairs, they are wider, a bit taller and about 3 stairs longer than a standard stair case.
We also had another nutrition class this past week, talking about planning out meals and making sure we are getting healthy ingredients to fill each meal with. The kids got to come to this class, or at least a parallel class that was taught by one of the dieticians from Primary Children’s hospital. They learned about the My Plate method of making sure you are getting the right portions of food at each meal, and then we all got together and planned out a week of meals.
And finally, Tuesday Brenda and I got to take a tour of Harmon’s Grocery store as part of the challenge. It was interesting to note that Harmon’s has 6 full time dieticians that rotate around their stores and are available to answer questions. You can even set up appointments for them to take you on your own grocery store tour and help you choose healthy options. Another great thing about Harmon’s (no they are not paying me to talk about them, but I would gladly accept donations if they did) is that on the shelves, they have green labels that say “Dietician’s Choice” under a bunch of products. These have been determined by the dieticians to be lower in sugars, sodium and high in protein or fiber, so they are good choices to grab if you are in a hurry.